I wanted to share my morning work-out routine that I do. This little baby has helped me reach closer to my fitness and weight goals. I know most of us are pressed for time when it comes to working out. But in all reality you are the only person in the way. The world around you is a gym. You can essentially work-out anywhere, it's all about thinking outside of the box. You can do these in your house, at the gym, at the park, in your office, like I said anywhere.

Start with a 2 minute warm-up
30 Seconds Jump Rope
30 Seconds High Knees
Circuit1(4 Minutes)
50 Seconds Half Burpee with a Push-Up
10 sec Rest
50 Seconds Sumo Squat Jumps with weight in Hand
10 Second Rest
50 Second Alternating Lunge Jumps with Weight in Hand
10 Sec Rest
50 Seconds 10 High Knees one Push up
20 Sec Rest

Circuit2 (4 Minutes)
50 Seconds 5 Mountain climbers 2 Ski Jumps
10 Sec Rest
50 Seconds Box Jumps with Squat at top (if you can't Jump just squat with a knee up)
10 Sec Rest
50 Seconds: 1 inch-worms with 4 Grasshoppers
10 Sec Rest
50 Seconds: 2 Spider man Push ups, 2 plank tuck Jumps 1 Push up
20 Sec Rest
Cuircuit3(4 Minutes)
50 Seconds Ab crunches on Ball
10 Sec Rest
50 Seconds Plank Slides into inverted Plank
10 Sec Rest
50 Seconds Plank up-Downs
20 Sec Rest
You will feel charged up after this and ready for anything. When you are done remember to stretch. Flexibility is all part of a healthy body. Be good to your body and it will be good to you.
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